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Our Story

The Asiyah Women’s Center is the first women’s emergency center in New York City and in New Jersey to address the gap of appropriate residential services for the Arab, Middle-Eastern, Muslim, South Asian (AMEMSA) and/or the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) population. Our mission is to provide temporary housing for victims of domestic violence and women facing eviction, and/or homelessness. By connecting under resourced women in our community to job opportunities, a range of mental health and medical services, permanent housing facilities, health insurance and legal assistance, we hope to empower women to get back on their feet and overcome their deeply traumatic personal circumstances.

In the six years since its founding, the Asiyah Women’s Center has played a crucial role in transforming the lives of domestic violence survivors and victims of homelessness. Since we’ve opened up our doors, we’ve served over 500 women and children; 94% of our clients identify with the Arab, Middle-Eastern, Muslim, South Asian (AMEMSA) and/or the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) population. The Asiyah Women’s Center is equipped with the cultural competency capacity to holistically provide AMEMSA & BIPOC survivors with access to: a safe, secure, and comfortable living space; counseling and therapy services; assistance with obtaining order of protections, checkups provided by physicians and licensed mental health professionals; immigrant, asylum-seekers, and refugee services; job-readiness programs and employment assistance; access to a fully stocked pantry of food, clothing and toiletries; enrollment assistance with GED programs, community colleges, and four year colleges; and support through our court accompaniment project.